Kegr8er Tragedy

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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by OracleHCR »

I'm truly saddened by your loss and I know no words I or any of the NDL brotherhood can say will take away your pain. Know that we care and you and your family will be in our prayers.
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by Ghost of UCLA »

Dang Keggy and I go way oh man....just breaks my heart to hear stuff like this...

will be praying for you bro....
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by beercop »

I know people who have been through this. I shed a tear for ya bro.
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by GT25Ump »

Such sad and unfortunate news. My brother and his wife had a miscarriage, 36 weeks in, just a year ago. Not that it makes it any easier but it's not as rare as some people might think.

So many here have said so much. I guess I'd just reiterate something you already know. Be there for your lovely bride, in as emotional of sense as possible. Be strong for her, even moreso than yourself. And there IS a support system out there, for folks who have unfortunate events such as this, occur. It's probably already been recommended to you, by your doctor. Take care and we look forward to hearing from you, when the time is good for you!

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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by Quest4Gold »

Dr Tom Gordon wrote:Such sad and unfortunate news. My brother and his wife had a miscarriage, 36 weeks in, just a year ago. Not that it makes it any easier but it's not as rare as some people might think.

So many here have said so much. I guess I'd just reiterate something you already know. Be there for your lovely bride, in as emotional of sense as possible. Be strong for her, even moreso than yourself. And there IS a support system out there, for folks who have unfortunate events such as this, occur. It's probably already been recommended to you, by your doctor. Take care and we look forward to hearing from you, when the time is good for you!

This is so true, my wife had two miscarriages in a row. One was in the 2nd trimester and the other was early on. Plus my aunt lost a son at birth as well. It is really tough to go through.

Stay strong Keg, keep your family close through these tough times. My family and my prayers are for you.
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by dealer4014 »

Steve (Kegr8er)
I've been praying for you since, I heard this at work on Monday...I know this has to be a tough time for you. Let me know if you need anything. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers!
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by texasfan4444 »

So sorry to hear this Keggy. My wife and I have gone through 3 miscarraiges (from 6 weeks in to 22 weeks in) in less than 2 years time. It is one of those things that hit home to know that anyone of us could possible not be here and beacasue of that we need to embrace our time on earth and make it worthwhile for you, oyur family and everyone you touch.

My thoughts and prayers are with him and his wife. I am sure God will bless him with a perfect child his next go around. Dont give up hope.
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by WastingU »

My wife and I send out our heart felt prayers for you and your family. As a parent myself for over 23 yrs now,the mere thought of losing a child at any age jus tears me up inside. May the Lord give you strength during these times of sorrow..

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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by Bernie32 »

My condolescences to your and family Kegr8er
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by ballberry815 »

Keg.... I too had went through the same thing, keep your head up and I wish you and the wife the best and my thoughts and prayers arre with you guys.
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by Old Kentucky Shark »

Really sucks Keggy, sorry man truely sorry. Will be praying for you and yours.
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by taruncheel »

Sorry to hear about this. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by Kegr8er »

Thanks so much guys for your words and prayers. My wife and I really appreciate all the kind words and prayers we can get right now.

Like Champ mentioned, this was the most gut wrenching, hardest thing I have had to go through. Every day was truely a nightmare the past week. Going from learning our girl, whom we named Hailey Anne, had passed to the delivery to the funeral arrangements to the holidays to the packing up her belongings has been just horrible.

But being able to hold our little girl for only a few hours helped us through all that. Just seeing her and holding her totally changed my life. It was just amazing how much love she filled our hearts with and she never took a breathe.

The wife is doing as well as expected. She was totally amazing through the whole thing. I know we all idolize sports athletes but I tell you what, I want a poster of my wife. She is truely my hero. To see her go through this and hold it all together was tremendous. She just blew me away with what she had to go through and how she handled it all.

We still have our moments, but like Dr. Tom said I am making sure she doesn't get down. My total energy and efforts are helping her get through this. I'll worry about my sorrows later, as hard as that is.

As far as knowing what happened we still do not know. All tests that have come back so far show everything was fine. The wife was the poster child of what to do correctly during a pregnancy. She ate all the right foods, didn't drink alcohol or caffeine. She took all her vitamins. She went to every appointment. And that's part of it that's also hard to wrap our minds around is trying to understand how people who don't want kids or trash their bodies while pregnant have healthy babies and we did everything right and have this happen. Lot of questions and no answers right now. But we both realize we just have to accept what has happened and try and move on. We both do know that we want to try again even though we are scared out of our minds to try.

Again, thanks so much for everyone's kind words and my sympathies also go out to you guys who have had to go to the same thing. It is something no one should have to go through.

I don't know when I'll actually be back to league participation. Things that have once seemed fun and enjoyable just aren't right now. I hope with time I can get back to enjoying the things I used to but right now I'm just numb with pain. I literally have to remind myself sometimes even what day it is. It's kinda sad how things that were so simple to do now take effort. But like some of you have said I know it's just going to take time. And we are lucky to have a strong group of friends and family to help us through this.
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by DRiccio21 »

thanks for checking back in with us, i know alot of us wanted to hear from you but didnt know how to get in touch with you...

stay strong and stop by every once in a while even if you arent playing league games

you're a class act bud... i wish you all the best
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by BlackRain »

Wish your family and you the best Kegr8er...........
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Re: Kegr8er Tragedy

Post by steelcitychaos »

Thanks for the Update Keg, take one day at a time and stay positive as much as possible. You and your wife are in my familys thoughts and prayers.
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